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Meet Yulia from Zavody

When home isn't like before...

Zavody, Ukraine is a small village on the outskirts of Izium.

Yulia and her family live in Zavody along with many other people affected by the Russian aggression.

Before the unprovoked, Russian invasion in February of 2022, Yulia's family were farmers. They had several milk cows they would use to sell milk and make a living. They also raised hogs to butcher and sell as meat to the other villagers. Like many farmers, they raised crops to support their family and community as well.

When Russia came to Zavody, they completely destroyed Yulia's life. They destroyed the family home, burned all the crops, shot and killed all the animals. Her family, like many others in the village, was left with nothing. No source of food or income. They are living in a renovated pig sty and slaughterhouse. Totally dependent on the generosity of others.

Yulia was in university. She has earned an associate's degree in teaching english. She made high honors in her program. She wants to continue her educational pursuits but she has zero internet and zero way to continue. She knows education is her ticket to a better life and the english language will unlock many opportunities for her. She just has no way to continue.

We at He Cares believe when there is 'no way forward" that God will make a way. This is why we are collecting funds for a Starlink system for her home. This is amazing internet capability and you just have to point it skyward. They cost for a unit for Ukraine is $600USD for the hardware at $75 per month for the service. So the all in need is $1500USD to start and $900USD a year for every year after.

Let's help Yulia get her education. Let's help Yulia help others by he ability to teach the English language to students. Would you please consider a donation to help her? Just click 'DONATE' at the top of this page and write YULIA in the comment section.

Or just click HERE to donate. Thank you!

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