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Warmth for Ukraine

Winter months in Ukraine can be brutal, especially in times of need...

According to OCHA - UN Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs, 2.5 million people have been identified has needing specific winterization support, including livelihoods and food security, shelter and water and sanitation.

Throughout the winter months, there were massive power supply restrictions in Ukraine due to Russian military attacks on energy infrastructure. We have partnered with BCA Poland to deliver warmth to Ukraine in order to help Ukrainians survive the low temperatures during the fall and winter months. We did this in cooperation with our partners who have provided 275 generators and 5,000 blankets to Baptist churches in Ukraine, where people can get warm and charge their phones. Thanks to the support our partners have received, it was possible to install more than 100 furnaces for people in greatest need.

The cooperation between churches and nonprofits from Poland, Ukraine and the US shows unity in the Church, which is a great encouragement to Ukrainian pastors, leaders, and people.

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